It’s a new way of communicating with your local phone company.
Phone service used to be friendly and personable. We thought it was a good way of doing business. That’s why we’re bringing it back.
NT&T is a new choice for local and long distance phone service. The owners of NT&T felt that doing business the old fashion way with good customer service and an open mind was lacking in today’s telephone industry, so when you call NT&T, you’ll talk to a real person who can answer your questions and not have to send you to several different departments to get things done. You’ll also get an easy-to-read bill and a competitive price. And it’s easy to switch.
In other words, NT&T is phone service made simple.

The best part about choice is having one.

Now you do. It used to be that for a landline phone, there was only one option. Even when the phone company grew to national status and moved away, it was the only option for local phone service.
In 1997 owners of eight independent Midwestern phone companies joined forces with the intent of making local phone service better. They wanted to give people the right to choose their phone service provider based on their own personal needs. The result of their mission is NT&T, a Midwest-based phone company approved by the FCC and your local Public Service Commission.
So now you can choose.
We’re waiting for your call.
Your phone service story can have a happy ending. Just call us at 1-877-537-4403 and ask to switch to NT&T. Come back to phone service that is friendly and personable.